Truths About Being a Parent …
Being a parent, in my opinion, is the hardest thing ever. Everything you’ve experienced in life leading up to this moment counts for NOTHING. You have to learn and adapt … here are some of the less-talked-about things I have discovered about being a parent:
- Sometimes you don’t change your clothes every day
- Sometimes you don’t brush your teeth every day
- Sometimes you don’t shower every day
- You will still smell OK though, well for a few days at least
- But you might not – thanks to baby vomit
- Facebook becomes your only connection to the outside world
- You’re supposed to sleep while baby sleeps, but you won’t
- TV / iPad is your friend (and your child’s)
- Chicken Nuggets become “OK” as takeaways, because they’re chicken. Right?!
- Cocktail sausages are OK for lunch
- When you boil a kettle, a child will wake
- When you try to sleep, a child will wake
- “I’m just going to the toilet” becomes code for “I’m sneaking away so I can eat something / do something without you knowing”
- Sometimes you will say you’re going to the toilet, but really you’re just going to sit in there and check your Facebook
- You will feel guilty about your decisions as a parent – don’t. Your kids have no idea.
- You might not like your kids. It’s ok, they can be assholes sometimes – at the end of the day, we know you really love them.
There are no rules to this parenting game. You do what you can to survive.