Working And Parenting

© Can Stock Photo / evgenyatamanenko


Working And Parenting

This post is sponsored by Stuff-Fibre! 

When I became a parent, I knew I wanted to be a stay-at-home-mum. I didn’t know how it was going to work with regards to going back to work, but I knew I wanted to at least spend the first five years of each of my child’s life at home with them.

By the time my eldest was 2, I had my second child, and suddenly I realised I never wanted to go back to work.

Not sure what I was going to do, I left the door open in my mind.

Suddenly Happy Mum Happy Child was started, and almost 3 years on, it has become my job.

I wake up early in the morning (430am to be exact) and work when the kids are still in bed. I work when the kids are napping, or if the kids are out with someone else (Dad or even at Kindy / School).

HOWEVER, sometimes my work does encroach on my parenting time. Sometimes I have a deadline that I need to meet, or perhaps I have a genius meme that needs to be put together (yes believe it or not that’s work) … either way sometimes I have to do both work AND parent at the same time.

Sometimes I put my kids on devices to help me do this. Do I feel guilty about this? HECK YES.

My role is first and foremost a parent. My work comes second to my children. However, sometimes I need to do both things at the same time.


What I love about Stuff-Fibre SafeZone is that I can do my work, and know that my kids aren’t going to be watching something bad for them.

I can relax in the knowledge that although I’m not monitoring their every move, the SafeZone is in place to do this for me.

SafeZone is a free service, and works within your fibre connection, so it applies to every device connected to your home network, making the internet a safer place. The set up is very basic (if I can do it, so can you).

Essentially once you have Stuff Fibre, you have access to SafeZone. From there you can select a profile that fits your family (Young Child, Young Teen, Mature Teen, Open). Once you set it up, you can then customise which content your children have access to.


I don’t want to have to “control” my kids like this, but reality is there is a lot of stuff out there that I don’t want my kids being exposed to. Not at a young age.

Sometimes when they’re on YouTube they come across adult content (not THAT type of content but they could easily find that too!). With SafeZone it means they think they’re getting the freedom to “browse” without being exposed to the nasties.

The same goes for when they’re older – when they’ll try and access those social media sites without me knowing. SafeZone will stop that from happening.

Thank you Stuff Fibre for having SafeZone out there for us parents. This is a sponsored post, however all words and opinions are my own (unless specified).


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