Admitting You Have PND Doesn’t Mean You’re Weak – It Means You’re Strong


Admitting You Have PND Doesn’t Mean You’re Weak – It Means You’re Strong

There’s never a right or wrong time to talk about depression; in fact the more we talk about it, the less stigma there is about it.

Having Post Natal Depression does not mean you are weak.

Admitting you have Post Natal Depression does not mean you are weak.

In fact, it’s the exact opposite.

Admitting it is the first step, and is an incredibly brave thing to do. It basically means you’ve been struggling for so long you can no longer do it alone; and need help.

Whether you take medication or not, to start on the path to becoming yourself again, means you are an incredibly strong and brave Mother (or Father!) for looking after yourself.

Happy, healthy Mum/Dad = happy, healthy baby AND family.

Even though a lot of people will say that their baby or their children are everything to them, and that they should be the number 1 focus; I wholly believe the parents should actually be the number 1 focus.

You can’t parent properly if you don’t look after yourself.

You are a better parent when you look after yourself, and having PND takes a piece of you away.

In my instance, it turned me into someone that wasn’t me.

When I admitted to myself, my husband and my doctor, that something wasn’t right, I felt like I had truly taken a step in the right direction.

I took medication from when my daughter was six months old, right through my next pregnancy; and now 3 years on, I am still on it. In fact, I am sure I just have depression now as my youngest is 3 years old.

Taking medication, for me, was the best decision I ever made.

Whatever decision you make, just know that you are incredibly strong and brave for doing it. Whether you have support or not – talking to someone about your struggles is truly an amazing step.

Whatever anyone says to you about you being any less of a person for having a mental illness, believe me when I say you are more than they will ever be.

Because you have struggled and come out the other side. Admitting it is the first step to coming out that side, which means you’re a wonderful person.

WELL DONE TO YOU! You are braver than you know.

If you’d like to read more about my struggles with Depression, here are some posts I’ve written:

If you’re in Auckland, would love you to come along to the PADA High Tea Event in Auckland on the 11th November. Tickets are $50 and you will be treated to a High Tea and bubbles, and get to come and hang out with myself, Emily Writes, Jude Dobson and other amazing women who have struggled with depression. The event is held yearly to raise funds for the Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Aoteroa Organisation.

Check out the event here.


Here are some more links if you need to get help, of any kind in New Zealand: 

  • Lifeline (open 24/7) – 0800 543 354
  • Depression Helpline (open 24/7) – 0800 111 757
  • Healthline (open 24/7) – 0800 611 116
  • Samaritans (open 24/7) – 0800 726 666
  • Suicide Crisis Helpline (open 24/7) – 0508 828 865 (0508 TAUTOKO). This is a service for people who may be thinking about suicide, or those who are concerned about family or friends.
  • Youthline (open 24/7) – 0800 376 633. You can also text 234 for free between 8am and midnight, or email
  • 0800 WHATSUP children’s helpline – phone 0800 9428 787 between 1pm and 10pm on weekdays and from 3pm to 10pm on weekends. Online chat is available from 7pm to 10pm every day at
  • Kidsline (open 24/7) – 0800 543 754. This service is for children aged 5 to 18. Those who ring between 4pm and 9pm on weekdays will speak to a Kidsline buddy. These are specially trained teenage telephone counsellors.
  • Your local Rural Support Trust – 0800 787 254 (0800 RURAL HELP)
  • Alcohol Drug Helpline (open 24/7) – 0800 787 797. You can also text 8691 for free.
  • For further information, contact the Mental Health Foundation’s free Resource and Information Service (09 623 4812).

If you’re in Australia, here are the links for you:


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