Come & Say Hi To Me!


Come & Say Hi To Me!

Wow that sounds like such a douchebag thing to say Maria: COME AND SAY HI TO ME!! But it’s actually so that I can meet YOU!

I love meeting people, especially followers of my page because I do feel like you guys are like my friends. So if you’re available over the next few weeks, I’d love you to see if you can make it along to either of these (or both!) events …


5th November 2017 – THE GENERAL COLLECTIVE

I am going to be helping out at The General Collective at the Into The Moon stand!

The General Collective is an amazing market that happens only a few times a year, and this one coming up is PERFECT to grab presents for Christmas.

Held at the ASB Showgrounds, the markets are HUGE and are well worth taking the day to visit. Get a babysitter if you can but if you can’t, there are activities for kids to help keep them amused while you look around.

There are loads of New Zealand businesses showcased here, and LOADS of amazing food available to eat.

COME AND SAY HI and enjoy the day!


11th & 12th November 2017 – High Tea & Depressed Cake Auctions

Myself and Emily Writes have been invited back to the PADA’s annual High Tea & Depressed Cake auction. This year, however, as well as having an event in Wellington (12th November) they now have one in Auckland!

Tickets are $50 per person, and you will receive a seat at the High Tea event and will be treated to food AND bubbles! Myself and Emily will be speaking about our struggles with depression, and there will be a silent auction AND raffle prizes.

The event is held to raise funds for the Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Aotearoa Organisation.

The Auckland event is on the 11th November at the Wintergarden Pavillion, and the Wellington Event is on the 12th November at the James Cook Hotel. Both events will be from 2pm-4.30pm.


As I said above, I love meeting people and absolutely love it when you guys come and say hi to me. Don’t ever feel awkward because I never do LOL.

ALSO, while I’m in Wellington I’d love to meet up for a coffee if you can come. I’ll be there for a few days (between 12th-15th November) so can you suggest a public place to grab a coffee? I’m staying in central Wellington (by the Beehive) …

Is there a mall that people would be willing to go to?


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