Affordable Make Up for Mums

Affordable Make Up for Mums by Happy Mum Happy ChildBefore having kids, I wasn’t really that much into makeup. I was actually pretty useless at applying it, so never really gave it much thought.

I once went to a MAC store and had a “makeover” and bought the makeup. That was when I was earning my own money. That is the most money I’ve EVER spent on makeup.

I want to get into it. I want to be good at it. But I’m not.

I’m a “shop at Kmart or the supermarket” kind of girl. My daily wears are mascara and eyebrow stuff. That’s usually it.

So, since having kids, makeup has gone even MORE out of my mind than usual. I have been meaning to do this post for a while – which is basically all about affordable makeup that does the job of making me look and feel a little better than my usual “Mum Self” …

This is the makeup I use (when I use it), and can all be bought at my favourite place – KMART:

Garnier BB Cream – I have never really been a foundation kind of girl. In all honesty I hardly even put moisturiser on. So the whole “BB CREAM” revolution has made my life a whole lot easier. Just slap it on and it provides a light foundation-type coverage, plus moisturiser, plus a wee bit of sunscreen.

Price: $17 


Make Up 04aMASCARA:
EYES Lash Lengthening Mascara – there’s not a lot of actual product in the bottle, but that’s fine by me. No lumps or clumps and does the trick when I need to shove it on. I also occassionally use it on my eyebrows instead of eye liner. Just darkens them without making my eyebrows look huge.

Price: $7


EYES Eyeshadow Palette – this particular palette and shade works for me as I like my eyelids to be slightly darker, but not goth black. If that makes sense.  I generally only use one colour, but when I’m feeling extra adventurous, I’ll use some of the other ones too.  Wow look at me, such a rebel.

Price: $9

Make Up 02a

ELF Eyebrow Kit – I have blonde eyebrows, so like to have something to help darken them up without looking too horrible. So I use this kit to help darken them without going overboard. And as I said above, sometimes instead of using the eyebrow kit, I’ll use a wee bit of mascara to just darken the ends slightly.

Price: $9


Make Up 05 by Happy Mum Happy ChildLIPS:
ELF Luscious Liquid Lipstick – this is great as a lipstick AND a gloss. Best of both worlds.

Price: $5


So there it is.  I personally find the above products affordable, and work fine for every-day use.  As I said above, my two main products that I use all the time are eyebrows and eye lashes.  Because I am quite fair, they need darkening to make me not look like as much of an alien.

You can watch the video I did here:


Do you have any affordable makeup tips?

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Affordable makeup is where it’s at! I don’t like paying heaps when I know there is great (cruelty free) makeup that I can get for cheaper. I am a big fan of ELF, which I get from either Kmart or iHerb (depending on what I want, because Kmart doesn’t have some of the products I want) and Australis, from Farmers.


True story…I went to get the eyebrow kit today when I was in heaven…ah I mean k-mart…and I couldn’t remember the brand name. So I pulled out my trusty smart phone and looked you up! Hope k-mart is paying you!

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