Bathroom Essentials


Bathroom Essentials – For The Family

When you live alone, or without kids, the bathroom is yours. Your domain. Your territory. You can do what you want, have it looking the way that you want, and it doesn’t matter.

However, when you throw kids into the mix, things get messy. They get complicated. Especially if you’re like me and you have a combined toilet AND bathroom.

Well I’ve done some research and found the essential items for the family bathroom (and a few items useful in the lead up to Christmas when your extended family decide to pop in):


Bath Toys
If your bathroom isn’t completely overwhelmed with bath toys, then well done. However, they’re a staple in our house, and are probably in yours too. The good ol’ classic squirty toys (like the ones pictured below) are great, although you’ll need to clean them frequently as mould can get into them easily. My kids love taking cars and barbie dolls into the bath … so the bathroom gets quite cluttered. A bathroom isn’t a family bathroom unless its full of toys.



Bath Toy Holder
We use the edge of the bathtub because we don’t have any walls (don’t ask), but I can’t WAIT until we have tiles so that we can use these bad boys. Bath toy holders are amazing – keeping that small army worth of toys in one place.



Now the name of this product might be hilarious, but this product takes doing a number 2 very seriously. Before using the toilet, you simply spray V.I.Poo directly into the bowl which forms a protective layer. It creates an aromatic essential oil barrier and trapping all odours. After flushing, a fresh fragrance is released. I can attest to the fact that this product works … even my husband was impressed! V.I.Poo is available in your local New Zealand supermarket (and overseas!).



Non Slip Bathmat
If your kids are anything like mine, then they’ll need a bathmat because the thought of slipping over sends them into a tizz. A non slip bathmat really is essential for ensuring your young kids don’t slip over. You’d think kids would sit down in one place while having a bath, but you’d be wrong. So get one of these to make sure your kids survive bath time …



Step Stool
Kids are short, and it does take them a while to grow taller. So a step stool is definitely an essential in any family bathroom – especially with young kids. Brushing their teeth and washing their hands are always needing to be done. Remember to put that step stool in a safe place after use though, otherwise the kids will pull it out and randomly turn the taps on and flood the bathroom ….



These are my five essentials for the family bathroom. What would yours be?

Thank you so much to V.I.Poo for making this post possible, and for making that special extra-long trip to the toilet smell lovely.


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