Book Review: Rants In The Dark by Emily Writes
If I’m completely honest, I don’t get a lot of time to read books. Mainly because I’m a parent, and if I think about relaxing for a second I’m usually either a) interrupted by my kids, or b) falling asleep.
This means, when I choose to read a book, it is because I think it’s going to be something special.
Emily Writes’ “Rants In The Dark” is no exception.
I’ve been following Emily online for quite a while now. Through her Emily Writes Facebook page, but also through a personal blogging network page that myself and a few other New Zealanders are a part of.
Emily, for starters, is talented. She has a way with words that a lot of us don’t; and for that I bow to her.
When I started reading her book, and really got into it I realised something: she’s a Mum just like you and I … She’s a no bullshit kind of person, who has let us all know how she feels with extremely effective words.
The book is exactly as the title explains – it’s Emily’s rants in the dark. It covers everything from her own pregnancy/birth experience, to having vivid fantasies about Jason Momoa during tough times in a newborn’s life.
It’s her own thoughts at 2am in the morning when she’s desperate for a moments sleep.
It made me nod a lot; it made me laugh a lot. Both of those things have personally NEVER happened to me before when reading a book.
I’ve never connected with a book like I have with this. I felt like Emily was speaking me. She is my people (as she so lovingly puts it).
Obviously there were some things that I didn’t relate to, but the way Emily writes (LOL), it makes me feel like I knew it. I knew what it was like to be feeling the way she was.
Although I didn’t go through everything that she went through, and didn’t feel everything the same as she did – I still felt included.
That’s something a great writer does. It connects with everyone no matter what the story. Thank you Emily.
A definite 5/5 – I would highly recommend this to any Mum in need of a good read, or to feel less alone in this parenting journey.
You can buy Rants In The Dark from most New Zealand bookstores. If you can’t get to a bookstore – order it online with free international shipping here. Yes, that’s really free ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD you don’t have to be in New Zealand to buy this book! Or you can buy it here, here, here, or here. Or you can get it as an E-book through Apple, Amazon Kindle or Kobo.
