Cleaning Hacks For The Busy Parent

Cleaning Hacks For The Busy Parent

Cleaning Hacks For The Busy Parent


As I’ve recently discovered, my seemingly messy / cluttered house can affect my mind. So I started out on a bit of a cleaning mission. Each day I tackled a new area of the house and cleaned it up.

During this time, my kids yelled at each other and fought like it was going out of fashion – which meant what should have taken 30 minutes, ended up taking 2 hours.

Cleaning with kids around is almost impossible.

So I took to the internet and found some amazing cleaning hacks that are perfect for the busy parent:


1. Wooden Chopping Board

Chopping Board Lemon

Using a lemon and some salt to clean your wooden chopping board not only sanitises the board, it cleans it too and leaves it smelling lemony! Simply sprinkle 2-3 tablespoons of salt over the chopping board, and cut a lemon in half. Using the inside of one lemon half, rub it over the salt and into the board. You can even get your kids involved in on this one!


2. TV Screens / Computer Screens

Coffee Filter Screen

Sick of your TV screen or computer screen getting dusty, but every time you wipe it down it just gets worse?  Use a coffee filter to wipe down your screens. It will catch any dust, and not leave behind any fibres like a paper towel or cloth might. It’ll also help remove any unwanted fingerprints!


3. Lampshades

Lampshade Lint Roller

Lampshades attract the most dust in the world, and in our house are often neglected. Have no fear – they’re actually super easy to clean. Just use a lint roller to collect any unwanted dust. Remove the lampshade and get your kids to help too.


4. Pet Hair

Pet Hair Rubber Gloves

Do you have a lot of pet hair around? Simple and easy way to remove it is to put on some rubber gloves and rub your hands over the surface that needs hair removed. Another one you can get your kids to help with!


5. Household Surfaces


Crack out the good ol’ Neopol! You might be thinking “NEOPOL?!” but seriously, you can use this on a huge range of surfaces including wooden or laminated, white-ware, plastic, leather, vinyl and fibre-glass. Just use a soft cloth and Bob’s your uncle: cleans, polishes AND protects! Trust me when I say that there’s a reason it’s still around and sworn by after 70 years!


6. Storage Solutions

Table Storage

Minimise your clutter by using small storage containers that can easily fit under tables, or in corners of each room.. Store items such as toys, books – anything you need easy access too but don’t want sitting in an ugly pile.


7. Spilled Glitter

Glitter Playdough

I hardly ever give my kids glitter, but if I do and it gets spilled, then I use Play-dough to pick it up. Just lightly press a ball of play-dough into the spilled glitter and it will stick to the play-dough!


>> G I V E A W A Y <<

Neopol Prize

The team at Neopol have graciously given me 10 awesome Neopol packs to give away. Each pack contains two Neopol products, rubber gloves and two Neopol cloths. Perfect to start polishing and cleaning your house!

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Closes 15th September at 10pm. Normal T&C’s apply. Open to NZ residents only – sorry everyone else!

Thank you so much to Neopol for making this post possible.


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