ery Child Learns Differently
I have two children – Chloe (5) and Ronan (3) and they couldn’t be more different from each other.
Chloe is my eldest and definitely takes on traits of the eldest child. She’s eager to please, listens (mostly), and loves a challenge.
Ronan on the other hand, does not really care if he doesn’t please us – he does his own thing. He listens when he wants to, and if he doesn’t want to do something, he won’t do it.
When Chloe started Kindergarten, she jumped right into their morning schedule of finding her own name to put on a board, and then writing her name on the attendance register. I encouraged her to do this, and this helped her to learn how to recognise, spell and write her name.
I thought I would do the same with Ronan, but realised early on that because Chloe and him were different, I had to take a different approach.
Therefore, when he started Kindergarten, I didn’t push him to write his name. In fact, three months in and I don’t think he’s written it once – he hasn’t shown any inclination to do it either. I do ask him, and he says NO.
I’m ok with that though – because I know that each child (no matter who) learns differently, and they’ll all get to the point where they do know, eventually.
My husband is dyslexic and learns quite differently to me; he learns best by watching, rather than by reading.
This has been a great lesson for us when it comes to our children – that we need to be aware that each of them will learn differently; and sometimes they won’t learn the same as what is in the schooling system (Phil was a prime example of this).
This was reinforced when I realised that Reading Eggs have a Junior edition of their programme; which is tailored specifically to 2-4 year olds.
Reading Eggs Junior helps our kids to take their first steps towards learning to read with fun and engaging activities. So fun, in fact, they won’t even realise they’re learning.
Reading Eggs Junior is the most comprehensive early learning programme for children and has been carefully designed by experienced educators.
Chloe has had so much success with Reading Eggs that I couldn’t wait to get Ronan started on Reading Eggs Junior; but again I haven’t pushed him, which is why we are still on the basics.
He really has loved it so far, and actively asks to use it during our night time “device time”. I don’t mind if he only plays it for five minutes at a time – it’s all learnings and it all counts!
Start your toddler’s reading journey with a FREE 4 week trial to Reading Eggs Junior. Visit
*Offer is only available to new Reading Eggs customers. Ends 5 October 2017.