The One Where Everyone Was Sick
Both kids have been sick this week – which has meant a week at home. Talk about cabin fever! I’ve done baking, made yummy dinners, eaten crap … pretended to be cars and locked myself in a pretend jail. I can’t wait for my kids to get better and not be sick anymore. Let me know below – what’s been your favourite thing about this week?
1. Favourite App – Netflix
Netflix has been saving me and my kids from going insane since AGES ago. And this week was no exception. I feel like we have almost watched everything there is on there … some of my kids’ favourites include Megamind, Monsters vs Aliens, Robots, Justin Time Go! and Spooky Stories. My saviour this week was Orange Is The New Black. Literally finished watching it this morning. OMG!
2. Favourite Drink – Coffee
Coffee – the elixir of life. I have one cup when I wake up at 430am, and then another thousand as the day progresses. It just makes me feel like I have my shit together. I have a Nescafe Dolce Gusto coffee machine, which kind of reminds me of Daft Punk, and I pulled that bad boy out this week and indulged in a few capsules. Was SO good.
3. Favourite Kids’ Thing – Ignoring Me
Turns out this week my kids’ favourite thing was ignoring me. I am a little sick and tired of speaking and not being heard, so naturally I yelled a lot. Also, we had dinner wars – the type where they rebel against authority and refuse to eat dinner. A lot of ignoring when on then too … frustrating!
4. Favourite Blog – Addiction Transfer by Melissa Loses It
Image courtesy of Melissa Loses It
Melissa Loses It is about Melissa’s journey after Bariatric Surgery. Her recent post about Addiction Transfer is truly enlightening, and spot on. Regardless whether or not you have had any type of weight-loss surgery, when you cut back on junk food and start eating healthy, you can transfer your addiction to food, elsewhere. As Melissa states, it can go towards cigarettes or alcohol, but often can go towards other things. You can read her blog here.
5. Favourite Post – Being Fed Is Best
We all know breastfeeding is best. But people who say “breast is best” online often don’t realise how sick of hearing it most of us are. We all know breast is best. For whatever reason, not all of us can breastfeed / choose to breastfeed. Hearing “breast is best”, is sometimes the most unhelpful thing ever. So I wrote this post about how FED IS BEST and it was my most popular post this past week.
What has been your favourite thing (or things) about this week? Let me know below, and don’t forget I’m streaming LIVE on my Facebook page tonight at 8.15pm NZ time!
>>>> Friday Favourites Link Up <<<<
This is a link collaboration which we have started in the hopes that it will help all of us read some more blogs. So this is your one-stop-shop for blogs!
Your hosts for Friday Favourites are myself (Happy Mum Happy Child), Lisasaurus, and Teacher by Trade, Mother by Nature.
If you decide you want to start writing your own Friday Favourites, you can include them here too.
To join the party, simply link to your favourite blog post. It could be one you’ve written, or one you’ve read during the week which you really loved. Then visit a few other bloggers for a read and a chat. A link back here on your post is appreciated ????
How it works:
- Find a post you’ve loved this week (it could be yours, or someone else’s)
- Copy the link, and then click on the ADD YOUR LINK button, which is below
- Simply follow the instructions and post the link. TOO EASY!
Any giveaways will be deleted, and the link must point to a blog post, not just your blog.
Submissions open 7pm Friday!!