Lockdown Diary For Kids Created by New Zealand Artist

Christchurch, New Zealand artist Stephen McCarthy has created a unique lockdown diary for kids – and it’s available to download for FREE!

Stephen has sketched 28 pages, and they’re all kid-friendly. He’s designed them to be a fun and entertaining way for kids to document what’s happening during the Covid-19 lockdown.

According to the Stuff.co.nz article, Stephen created these in a day, when he realised it might be good to have something to look back on.

He said “Everyone’s at home because of Covid-19, so I figured there’s all these moments now that would be good for us to look back at … like a time machine.”

There are four weeks of daily prompts and activities to print and he hoped it might be useful for “children everywhere”

Here’s a sneak peak of what he’s doing:

I personally love this because it not only gives the kids something to do, and is a memory of this moment in time, but also it gives us an insight into what’s going on in our kids’ minds during this whole thing.

Our children can often seem like they’re not bothered or affected but these things, but it’s not always the case.

Thank you to Stephen for creating these.

You can check the lockdown diary out, and download it for free, by visiting mylockdowndiary.com .


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