Sleep Overs: What Do You Do?

© Can Stock Photo / shalamov


Sleep Overs: What Do You Do?

Sleep overs! Not adult ones … kid ones!

When did your kids stay at someone else’s house? I’m referring to family: Other parents, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles etc etc.

My kids, who are 3 and 5 years old, have never slept over at anyone’s house before OTHER than one night, when Ronan was born. Chloe stayed at my parents house for the night.

Other than that, they haven’t.

Why you might ask? Because I never felt comfortable asking my parents (or Phil’s) to have the kids when they still woke up during the night.

My kids are SERIAL wakers. Only now at 3 and 5 are they settling down, and even then they still wake up.

I was talking to my Mum the other day, and we think when Ronan is 5, and Chloe is 7, THEN we will let them sleepover at the Grandparents house.

Again, this is because of us wanting to make sure the kids are sleeping fine. Ronan has only recently been toilet trained, so sometimes still has accidents.

Growing up we never stayed over at anyone’s house – not until we were about 7/8 years old.

Have your kids had sleep overs yet? 


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