Sunday As A Parent

© Can Stock Photo / lenm


Sunday As A Parent

Aaah Sunday. The coveted day of rest. Where we lie around recovering from our raging Saturday night, and do nothing.


Fried breakfasts, coffee and lots of lazing about.


Movies on Netflix; OR gaming. AAAH I miss gaming.


Sometimes, you might not even open the curtains.


And the chance we will interact with others is zero. Because NOBODY really wants to talk to anyone, ever.


WAKE UP! WAKKKEEE UPPPP … you’re a parent. None of that applies to you.

You will probably never sleep. In fact, 6am will be a sleep in.


You’ll be lucky to drink your coffee warm.


Lazing about on a Sunday is a thing of the past, your children will demand your attention.


You might be able to pop a movie on, but the kids’ attention span is that of a goldfish and before you’ve had time to relax they’re already bored.


If you’re brave enough, you’ll venture out into the world, only to be swiftly reminded why you never take kids out on the weekend; or at all really.


And then after an exhausting day, you remember that tomorrow is Monday …


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