Starting A Blog



Starting A Blog


Let me preface this whole blog post by saying, I am not an experienced blogger.  I have only been doing this for about 18 months now, so am by no means an expert.  However, I get asked a lot about starting a blog, so I thought I would put together a list of what I found useful in my blogging journey… Please bear in mind, I myself am still learning!


1. Starting a Blog
All it takes to start your own blog is an idea and a blogging platform.  It’s really that simple.  I use WordPress as my platform – which is basically the website I use to write it.  You can read about other blogging platforms here.

2. Expectations
A few people have messaged me wanting to do EXACTLY what I do, with the large number of followers – I obtained this due to a combination of luck, timing, having awesome friends and by being me.  I also didn’t start blogging with the idea that I would conquer the world.  I started out wanting to document the activities I did with my kids.  It’s great to have a goal, but be realistic about where you start – don’t expect the sun and the moon immediately.

3. Social Media
Once you have your overall blog idea, and have a blogging platform (through WordPress or Blogger, etc) then you want to think about starting a Social Media account to get the word out about your blog.  I use Facebook and Instagram predominantly for this – but there is also Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, Tumblr, Reddit, etc etc … my advice is pick a couple of social media platforms and just stick to those.  It can get overwhelming if you try and use everything.

4. Keep the Momentum Going
Write a list of topics you want to talk about and don’t post them all at once!  Perhaps blog once a week.  If you use all of your content ideas up too quickly, you can end up sitting around wondering why you started the blog in the first place.  The blogging process takes time!

5. Keep Your Eyes & Ears Open
Always look around for inspiration.  Read other people’s blogs.  Read the news.  Pay attention to the world around you – that’s how I get inspired.  Like I said above, I am by no means an expert in blogging and often look to other’s to see how I can better myself as a blogger.

6.  Network
Join other blogging networks.  Search for “New Zealand Bloggers” on Facebook and see what groups come up.  Also, every Friday, myself and three other bloggers (Lisasaurus, Teacher by Trade: Mother by Nature and Misses Mac) host Friday Favourites – a place where you can share your latest blog.  The more you network, the more you get your name out there.


My biggest advice to new bloggers is – do you.  Don’t try and please everyone.  Be yourself, write about what you love and what you know.  Don’t set your expectations too high – especially when it comes to Social Media.  Facebook can be a bitch, and doesn’t make it easy for people to be seen.

To start with you won’t know who your audience is until it starts building.  So always remember to be yourself. As your audience grows, so will you.  You don’t have to pander to everyone’s needs, but you will soon learn what works and what doesn’t.

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to let me know!


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