The Australian Fires – Ways You Can Help


Australia is quite literally on fire – and has been for some time now; since November 2019. This isn’t something that is new, but it has since escalated with the rising Summer temperatures, and the lack of rain.

I live in Auckland, New Zealand; and yesterday was the first time I’ve seen some of the fallout from this – our skies were clouded by a sepia-coloured smoke haze for most of the afternoon. It was bizarre but a very needed reminder that this is still happening.

Thinking about all of the people and wildlife affected by these fires makes me incredibly sad, and I wish so badly that I could do more to help. I have donated via the Red Cross Australia website and through Celeste Barber’s fundraiser. I’ve also been sharing as much as I can on social media.

A lot of people are confused about where to donate and what to do, and I wish I could tell you the answer. but I don’t have one. Instead, I am going to list a bunch of places below that you can check out and if you like – donate to them.

Donating direct to the people who can help this situation is what’s best.



Here are some links to organisations / fundraisers that will be helping people direct:

Australian Red Cross

The Australian Red Cross supports communities affected by the bushfires. Thanks to donations made so far, the charity has been able to deploy 1,285 trained staff and volunteers to disaster-affected communities.

Salvation Army Australia

Salvation Army Emergency Services (SAES) teams are responding to devastating bushfires around Australia as an unprecedented number of emergency-level fires cause tragic loss of life and property.


Donate food, funds or services to Foodbank, the largest hunger-relief charity in Australia

Celeste Barber’s Fundraiser

Celeste Barber started a fundraiser with funds going to the NSW Fire Service & Brigades.

St Vincent’s De Paul Society

They are also running a bushfire appeal, to help those affected rebuild their lives with food, clothing, furniture, other essentials, and funds to pay bills.


Extra room in your home? Offer to host people in need of emergency housing on AirBnB.



Here are some links to organisations / fundraisers that will be helping the firefighters direct:

Queensland Royal Fire Brigades Association

Help support the firefighters on the ground in Queensland.

NSW Rural Fire Service

RFS volunteers and NSW Fire and Rescue officers have been battling the fires and saving lives day and night and they need your help.

Victoria Country Fire Authority

The Victorian Firefighters are hard at work and need your help!

South Australian Country Fire Service

South Australia is burning too and their firefighters are hard at work and need your support!



Here are some links to organisations / fundraisers that will be helping the people / organisations / animals direct:


Wires help rescue sick, injured and orphaned wildlife.

Wildlife Rescue Sunshine Coast

Please give a helping hand to those amazing volunteers across the country who are trying to save what’s left of our beautiful wildlife.

Port Macquarie Koala Hospital

The Port Macquarie Koala Hospital, and National Parks and Wildlife Service crew leaders, have spent weeks searching for koalas following the devastating bush fires in the Port Macquarie area. To date, 31 koalas have been brought to the hospital from several fire grounds.

World Wide Life Fund

These guys are directing their effort towards Koala conservation.


The RSPCA NSW are helping evacuate, rescue and treat pets and wildlife in threatened areas.

During this time it’s very easy to feel helpless – heck most of us can’t do anything other than sit back and send our love and prayers.

Donate if you can, where you can.

Here’s a neat little reminder I saw online:


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