This Dad Having A Conversation With His Baby Is ADORABLE

I don’t know about you guys, but when my daughter was younger she spoke her own language for at least 2 years. Looking back on the videos it was hilarious – because at the time we had NO idea what she was saying.

So we would just play along, as if we knew, and the conversations we would have would be hilarious.

This Dad has done the same thing, and the result is smile-inducing and absolutely adorable:

As you can see, the Mum video’d the interaction and once posted, it went viral. 17 million views in just the first 24 hours! And if you watched it, you will know why – it really is amazing!

That kid is none the wiser that his Dad has no idea what he’s saying, but from the video you’d have no clue – because his Dad just goes with it.

I think most of us know that talking to a child in a “baby voice” actually does them no service. Instead, talking to them like you’d talk to anyone else is actually amazing for their development – and how they learn to speak themselves.

Talking to babies, even when they can’t understand, helps to build a foundation for language skills and teaches kids the important properties of language they’ll need to know later, when they learn to talk for real.

This Dad clearly has it down-pat – well done!


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