Too Much Packaging – What Do You Want Me To Do?

I did a post on Facebook showing a typical afternoon tea that I prepare for my kids, I was questioned about a few things. Firstly about the fact it seemed like my kids ate too much money. I addressed this here.

Secondly I was told multiple times that there was too much packaging.

Apart from the pre-packaged cheese sticks (which I don’t usually buy but my Mum did), what exactly am I supposed to do about this?

I want to feed my kids and those are the things that my kids eat – would it have been better if I removed the packaging before I filmed the video so you didn’t see it?

The only things that have a lot of packaging are things like Potato Sticks, and even the cheese sticks – which I can recycle ALL of the packaging (soft plastics and the hard plastics).

Am I not supposed to buy the food at all and simply make it myself? Because ultimately I don’t have the time, energy or money to do that ALL OF THE TIME. Maybe that’s a cop out, but it is what it is …



We recycle everything we can using the yellow recycling bins at home here in Auckland.

We also use the soft plastic recycling facilities where available – this is an initiative around New Zealand to help recycle soft plastic bags. To find your local soft plastics recycler, click here.

We have a Bokashi bucket at home, started by my husband, to help get rid of food waste and turn it into compost.

We also feed the dreaded sparrows the crusts off of the kids toast / bread.

We recycle all old computer components and parts.

We recycle the energy saver light bulbs correctly by taking them back to the store.

When my kids were babies we flushed as much of the poo down the toilet – yep you’re supposed to do that if you can!

We used reusable nappies for the bulk of our baby’s / toddler’s life.

We do as much as we can and it isn’t just a small amount; but I really am not sure how to get around the food I buy from the Supermarket without actually stopping buying it.

Is it bulk bins? Because I buy what I can from Bulk Bins. What about baking – is it overall cheaper than buying what I buy?


Please enlighten me, and yes I am saying this seriously with no sarcasm or malice in my tone.

I would LOVE to know how to realistically reduce the packaging of the products that are available in the supermarket.

Add me on Instagram – Happy Mum Happy Child.

Too Much Packaging – What Do You Want Me To Do?

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