WTF Is Wrong With People?!



I trawl through the internet each morning checking out the news stories from around the world and over the last couple of days I’ve come across two articles that made me roll my eyes incredibly and think “WTF IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE!?!” …


Olivia Wilde kissing her child on the lips

Check out the BUZZFEED ARTICLE here

Apparently as a parent you’re not allowed to kiss your child on the lips – because people think that’s reserved for husband and wife only. LE SIGH.


Australian mum calls Dad a “sicko” for using the parents room

Check out the DAILY MAIL ARTICLE here

Because apparently “parent” just means “mother”. LE DOUBLE SIGH.


BUT THEN there is the opposite. Then there are those articles that make you glad you’re a human being and suddenly your faith is restored:

A Barber helps a boy with Autism feel ok about getting a haircut

Check out the SCARY MOMMY ARTICLE here

What a good dude!


Sesame Street launches a series of videos to help kids deal with trauma

Check out the SCARY MOMMY ARTICLE here

Topics include preparing for a hurricane or natural disaster, ways to cope with stress, how to feel safe, how to deal with anxiety, and many more.




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