You Oughta Know

You Oughta Know02

I’ve had a couple of questions asked by team members (dats you bro) and thought I’d ask them in here. Since we are an experienced team of mums (with our powers combined, we are Captain Planet Mum!). So since you oughta know, let me know either here or back on my Happy Mum Happy Child Facebook page


1  Driving after Birth

“I was wondering if you could ask all your wonderful followers out there how they got over (if anyone other me had it) their fear of driving?? I am a 34 year old mother of 2 boys (9 & 6) and am terrified of driving!  I’m only on my restricted, had it since my 2nd was born and I’m just so terrified of making a mistake.. the time has come and I need to suck it up and do it instead of relying on everyone else but arghhhh I can’t as people keep telling me “get over it and on with it” its a very real fear😕 any advice greatly appreciated”


2.  Menstrual Cups (Mooncups)

“I’d like some advise on menstrual cups – I’ve been doing some research but am stuck as there are so many brands. What brands do your followers like?  What are the key things to think about when buying them?  Where do I get them from?  HELP!”

3.  Felt Tip Pen Removal

“What do fellow Mums suggest for getting pen off wallpaper – it’s stubborn and the stuff I used turned the wallpaper white but the pen hasn’t budged.  It was a felt tip pen – can anyone help with this?”


So if you guys are able to help at ALL with any of the above, please either let me know below, or back on my Facebook page.

Truly appreciate you taking the time to read this and respond (if you choose to) …


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