This is where I spew the thoughts in my head, out into text that is hopefully in a readable format.

We Need To Ban Public Smoking Around Schools AND Playgrounds
In New Zealand it is illegal to smoke on a school’s property AND in a car – but what about the area just outside of

Christmas Is Coming
Christmas is my FAVOURITE time of the year. I love every single thing about it. I love the terribly annoying music, the impossibly early decorations,

Spark Has Released A SmartWatch For Kids, And It’s Insane
Kids want freedom, and parents just want to know where they are …. If you’ve ever wanted to keep track of your children (or perhaps

Our Renovations – PAINTING
After removing all of the GIB, insulating, creating a new window, putting the new GIB up, sanding down the windows and basically getting the whole

Strawberries Are More Than A Treat!
Growing up. fresh New Zealand strawberries were a dessert; they were a treat. Served at the end of the day with icing sugar, and if

I Know It’s Hard Now; But It Does Get Better
Parenting is bloody hard; especially at the beginning; especially as a new parent. It does get better though. I promise. I struggled so much when

New Mum Hilariously Draws Why She’s Tired To Show Her Husband How She’s Feeling
Sometimes we all have trouble expressing how we feel, so one new Mum took it upon herself to DRAW what exactly was happening that was

How Dettol Wipes Are Perfect For Families On The Go
When you have children, everything gets grubby. Little fingers can transfer stickiness (from who knows where) all over the place, and young kids love putting

This Samsung Quick Drive Washing Machine Is INSANE
We have had a few washing machines over the years – mostly hand-me-downs or machines that break easily. So when the team over at

11 Things You Will Realise When You Use A Menstrual Cup
I am a pad wearer. Not a tampon user. A PAD WEARER. I’d tried tampons in the past but it freaked me out too much,

I Got Given An iRobot Vacuum And It Blew My Mind
I can be honest with you guys, right?! I used to vacuum twice a day (when the kids were younger), and now I might vacuum

The School Holiday Bundle
Everything you need in one place to help you survive the school holidays. This is just a list that links to other parts of my

Free Printable Activities For Kids
I’ve put together a couple of printable files that I got for my kids to help us get through rainy days / school holidays /

The Inland Revenue Is Giving Families A Tax Credit!
Great news guys! From the 1st July 2018, the the Government is increasing financial support for New Zealand families! Inland Revenue will manage this and
My Children Are So Different From Each Other
I have talked about this before – about the fact that although my kids are raised roughly the same, they’re actually quite different. I have

5 Ways To Use Your Printer Like The Ultimate Mum
Before I became a parent, we didn’t have a printer at home. The only printer I used was at my job, and in all honesty